920 N. Jordan Ave.
Parking in back at (10th and Clay)
Liberal, Kansas

First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)

FCC Liberal is committed to putting our faith into action. We are dedicated to be a faithful, growing church for the community.
All are welcome here! We are a welcoming, open and affirming Disciples of Christ congregation, valuing the gifts and worship of all who come.
What Do I Wear? Some wear suits and dresses. Others wear jeans and t-shirts. God does not care what you wear and neither do we.
What is worship like? Our "style" is casual, but somewhat traditional. You will encounter laughter and prayer, praise songs and traditional hymns. We pray for one another and the larger world. Our children are included in worship, although a nursery is provided for the youngest ones as parents prefer. Each week we celebrate the Lord's supper through communion.
Who Can Participate in Communion? It is the Lord's table, not ours. Communion is not restricted to church members or those who have been baptized. It is open to all believers.